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Santa Maria de' Ricci

Church of Organ Concerts

Story of Antonio Giuseppe Rinaldeschi

In 1501, a young Florentine named Antonio Rinaldeschi went out drinking at the once notorious Osteria del Fico and lost all his florins at the dice table. Drunk and furious, he wove down the street cussing and spewing blasphemies (with a little red devil sitting on his shoulder, according to the scene on the panels above) and when he espied the image of the Annunciation on the side of the (now long gone) church of Santa Maria degli Alberghi, he picked up a horse turd and hurtled it at the painting.

There were fearful and uncertain times, and as the panels show, Rinaldeschi was pursued on the order of Piero Soderini, who had recently made gonfaloniere for life. He bundled off to the Bargello, and tried by the Signore Otto (the Tribunal of Eight) and condemned to death, and hanged out the window while an angel and devil seem to be gambling for his soul.

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Churches, Cloisters and Convents


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Images by Comune di Firenze, Sailko, GNU Free Documentation License