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all kinds of eggs

Fried eggs

Most eggs in France have brown shells. Some key words:

blanc d’oeuf: egg white

jaune d'œuf: egg yolk

œuf à la coque: soft boiled egg served in its shell

œufs de poules élevées en cages: By law if eggs are sourced from a factory farm where the chickens are kept in (generally tiny) cages, it must be written on the box

œufs de poules élevées au sol: eggs from chickens raised inside buildings but not in cages; again by law this must be written on the box

œufs de poules élevées selon le mode de production biologique: organic eggs from chickens raised outside. Same as oeufs bio, organic eggs.

oeuf dur: hard-boiled egg

oeufs fermiers de poules élevées en plein air: eggs from chickens raised outside

oeuf frais: fresh egg

oeuf frit: fried egg

Boiled eggs. Boiling time from left to right: 4 minutes, 7 minutes, 9 minutes.

oeuf mollet: halfway between a hard and soft boiled egg

oeuf poché: poached egg

oeufs brouillés: scrambled eggs. A brouillade is scramble used as part of a recipe, as in a brouillade aux truffes, scrambled eggs with truffles


Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Pierre-Olivier Carles, Wikisearcher