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Alphabet and language

Finding and pronouncing words in this app

Μαθαίνουμε την ελληνική αλφάβητο: We are learning the greek alphabet

Four Important Points when using this app

1) Spelling Greek words is messy if you don't have a Greek keypad (most devices allow you to change back and forth from Greek to English, but it can be tedious), so in this app I've put the common transliterations first, trying to be as consistent as possible so words should pop up when you use the search button (it works in reverse, so if think you know what it is in English, try that: the search may bring it up). One problem, as you can see in the Greek alphabet below, is that several of letters or combinations make the same sound.

2) Which syllable to stress when pronouncing a Greek word is fundamental, which is why any Greek word with more than one syllable has an accent. Accents aren't readily available on most mobile devices so I've left them out in the transliterations, but made sure to put them in all the Greek words so you can work it out and make sure that people understand what you're saying. They will honestly be puzzled if you don't get it right. Occasionally when words jam a lot of vowels together you'll get an umlaut ¨ (as in προϊόν, product) to let you know there aren't any funky diphthongs happening here.

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Greek food & how to use this app


Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Dunk 🐝