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prize winning 'ruffles'

In the 1978, chef Enrico Cosentino was working along the Amalfi coast when he won the Entremetier prize for a new kind of pasta he had developed called scialatielli, a play on the local verb, 'to ruffle'. The recipe for four people combines:

300 g flour

120 ml milk

20 g Pecorino Romano

3 basil leaves

1 egg

15 g salt

Mix, refrigerate, roll out and cut. Irregularly rectangular in shape, and thicker than tagliatelle, scialatielli go very well with seafood, as all'amalfitana, or al scoglio, or alla marinara. But it's also good with a meaty tomato sauce, or mushrooms.

scialatielli alla sorrentina: topped with onion, tomatoes, cubes of mozzarella and basil

Also spelled scialatelli, sciliatielli or scivatieddi.


Pasta Shapes and Dishes

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by Diego