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cheese sauce, fondue

A fonduta (or fundüa) can be made out of many different cheeses (fontina, parmigiano, pecorino), and incorporated into risottos, pasta sauces, vegetable side dishes and oven dishes.

A proper fonduta for fondue isn't just melted cheese, but a mixture of cheese (usually Fontina) milk, butter and egg yolk, maybe with a hint of garlic, and in Piedmont some sliced white truffles. Into this you may dip bread, potatoes, meat or vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower are favourites).

As in other countries there are many variations on fondue: fonduta alla bourguignonne, a French invention where meat is cooked in a central pot of hot oil, or a dessert fonduta al cioccolato, where fruits are dipped into melted chocolate.

Cheeses & Dairy Products


Valle d'Aosta

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by Andrew Magill