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Nine varieties are in the Slow Food Presidium:

pera cocomerina: little heirloom 'watermelon pear' from the Apennines near Cesena in Emilia-Romagna. As it ripens, the flesh turns very red inside. It's fragile and not easy to keep, so is often used in jam; in August it's celebrated at the Sagra della pera cocomerina at the Comunità Montana dell’Appennino Cesenate ed il Comune di Verghereto.

pera madernassa: Piedmontese pear, often used in cognà.

pera martin dubi: red pear from Piedmont, used in cooking.

pera martin sec: pears from Piedmont and Aosta, often cooked in red wine for dessert.

pera martinone: small yellow and reddish pear from Piedmont, consumed fresh or in cooking.

pera scipiona: yellow green eating pear from Emilia-Romagna, believed to have been introduced centuries ago from England.

pera spadona: light green late summer eating pear grown in Emilia-Romagna.

pera volpina: greenish cooking pear from Emilia-Romagna that can be kept for a long time in the fridge.

pero misso della Lessinia: grown in the hills north of Verona, a rare pear consumed in November when it's overripe and the skin has turned brown (misso in dialect); it's used to make desserts, jams, pear cider and spirits.

Another interesting one, not in Presidium, is the tasty red pera Angelica grown only in Serrungarina in the central Marche, celebrated with a sagra in early September.


Food Festivals

Fruits & Nuts

Le Marche


Slow Food

Valle d'Aosta


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by Monica Arellano-Ongpin