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fried or baked ravioli

Also known as caciunitti, carciù, cacioni, cacui, carciu, cargiù, cargiu, caciuni, piegoni or piegati these are made in Ancona, Fermo and Macerata provinces; the filling is made of ricotta (or pecorino), honey, orange or lemon, sugar and eggs. Some make savoury ones, some make chocolate ones. In Serra San Quirico, they resemble mini volcanoes, with the filling spilling out of the top. Others are shaped like half moons.

Piconi ascolani are similar, but nearly always filled with several types of pecorino and egg and baked, and usually served at room temperature. Some add lemon zest or nutmeg to the egg pasta dough or the filling.

In the Molise, calcioni are savoury fritters filled with ham, provolone, eggs and ricotta.

Antipasti & Snacks

Le Marche


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by le logge