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The curious French word for peanuts, cacahuètes (also spelled cacahouètes), is derived from the Nahuatl (the most spoken indigenous language in Mexico).

Peanuts are also commonly known as arachides, although arachide is the proper word for the plant and the whole peanut.

Some peanutty words

arachides en coques grillées: peanuts roasted in their shell

arachides décortiquées: shelled peanuts

beurre d'arachide or pâte d’arachide: peanut butter (Canada)

beurre de cacahuète or pâte de cacahuètes: peanut butter (Europe)

cacahuètes de comptoir: salted grilled peanuts with the skins on, ‘bar-style’

cacahuètes feuilletées: peanut-shaped candies from Morangis, sprinkled with roasted peanut chips

cacahuètes salées: salted peanuts

crémeuse: creamy (peanut butter)

croquante: crunchy (peanut butter)

huile d'arachide: peanut oil

nougatine aux cacahuètes: peanut brittle

Fruit and nuts

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Jack Dykinga, USDA ARS, Creative Commons License