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Apples are the most popular fruit in France, where the average household consumes 16kg per year. Hundreds of varieties are grown— for cider, for cooking, for eating—and for making candy apples (pommes d’amour).

The ten most popular varieties, in order

Golden: A third of all apples produced in France are Golden Delicious. A variety of Golden Delicious, grown on the Limousin plateau Pomme du Limousin is AOP.

Gala: France’s second most popular eating apple is a cross created in 1920 between Golden Delicious and Kidd's Orange Red.

Granny Smith: the tart green apple from Australia, created they say by an English immigrant named Maria Ann Smith, who threw an old apple core on her land and it grew into a tree...

Reine des Reinettes: 18th-century variety from Holland, orangish-red and good for eating or baking (it’s the classic apple to use in a tarte Tatin).

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AOPs and some others

Fruit and nuts

Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Alessio Maffeis, Marianne Casamance