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croquette or fried pierogi

Croquetes a un restaurant del Tossalet, Xàbia.

Cromesquis (or kromesquis) made of cheese, chicken, fish, game, mushrooms etc arrived in France from Poland in the early 19th century and became highly fashionable until World War II. In the 21st century they have made something of a comeback on restaurant menus, in three different styles:

cromesquis à la française: the stuffing is dipped in batter and fried

cromesquis à la polonaise: the stuffing is wrapped in a very thin savory wrapping (like a pierogi), sealed in batter and fried

cromesquis à la russe: the filling is wrapped in caul fat (crépine) like crepinettes, then fried at high heat so the fat melts.

Cooking techniques

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Joanbanjo