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gâteau à la broche

spit cake

Démonstration de préparation de Gâteau à la broche à Arreau

To make a gâteau à la broche, the batter is poured onto a conical-shaped spit, then rotated over a fire. As it cooks, it solidifies like a pancake, forming a ring extended by stalactite-like growths around the spit. The process is repeated several times to form layer after layer of cake.

Spit cake is made in many mountainous regions of Europe, and in France in the Pyrenees and Massif Central, but France has that World Record Breaking spirit to make the biggest ever: in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, in November 2019, they made one weighing 106 kilos, using 850 eggs and 35kg each of butter, flour, and sugar.



Text © Dana Facaros

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