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vin cuit

‘cooked’ dessert wine

Vin cuit de Provence

Similar to Italian vino cotto, vin cuit was historically made in Provence and in a few other places in the south of France. It has recently been revived, as a wine that’s good with rich chocolate desserts.

To make it, the must (moût de raisin) is heated in a copper cauldron until it boils. After the scum is scraped off, the must is cooked very slowly over a regular low heat for several hours. Once it has started simmering, it must remain uninterrupted until the desired concentration is reached.

This can vary from 30 to 55% depending on the year, the sugar content of the grapes and the taste of the winemaker. Once cooked, the must is whipped for a few minutes to facilitate the aeration necessary for the seeding of new yeasts. Then it rests for 48 hours and is poured into wooden barrels without overfilling them. Fermentation can take up to a year before the vin cuit is bottled.


Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by iamericat