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Armexiá Ándrou

Αρμεξιά Άνδρου

Αρμεξιά (Armexiá), also known as Ανάλατη (análati, 'the unsalted') or Πετρωτή (Petrotí, 'the petrified') is a soft white cow's milk cheese with a short shelf life.

The milk is mixed with rennet for a day, then hung in cheesecloth to drain. Afterwards, at least in the old days, it was squished under a flat piece of marble to remove the last of the liquid (today they use a machine). Hence the ‘petrified’ alternative name.

It has mildly sour taste, and is popular with fruit as a dessert; some people prefer it to Feta in salads

Aegean Islands

Cheese, dairy and eggs

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by athinorama