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rich meat sauce

Ligurian tocco di carne sauce (or u tuccu) is a rich meaty ragù, slow cooked with a chunk of veal or beef (rump roast), bone marrow (or olive oil), butter, white wine, onion, celery, carrots, porcini mushrooms, tomatoes and beef broth.

When finished, the sauce is strained or blended, and used on pasta (usually ravioli) or polenta, while the meat cooked in the sauce is sliced or ground into meatballs and served as a secondo, similar to ragù alla napoletana.

You may also see tocco di stufato, which is a similar, but uses a cheaper cut of meat, red wine and rosemary, or tocco di noci (walnut sauce), a thick pasty sauce made with walnuts, prescinseua, garlic, breadcrumbs, parmigiano, olive oil and fresh marjoram, or tocco di funzi (or sugo di funghi) made with porcini mushrooms, olive oil, garlic, onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, and basil and oregano.



Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by lapulceonline