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pasta with chicken or goose


Usually frisinsal de tagiadele, this is a classic dish of the Venetian ghetto, said to combine the traditions of the Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Italian Jewish communities. It's made with tagliatelle or tagliolini, preferably homemade and cooked in a rich chicken stock. The sauce is made with the dripping of a goose or chicken roast, or even roast beef, combined with the stock, white wine and garlic; many cooks add shredded roast chicken or beef (or beef sausage or goose salame) along with golden sultanas and toasted pine nuts. The whole is then baked in a round dish in the oven and served warm.

In January, for the Jewish Festival of Tu B'Shvat (New Year of the Trees) it's often baked in a wheel shape, known as the Ruota del Faraone.

Pasta Shapes and Dishes


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by ricettte cucinare