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Legally, meat from cattle up to four years old is manzo. Older than that, it's bue, and slaughtered at under 18 months old it's vitellone. A heifer (under 16 months) is a scottona.

bollito di manzo: boiled beef

brasato di manzo: braised beef, pot roast

manzo alla California: beef slow-cooked in milk or cream ('California' is a village near Monza)

manzo alla borgognona: French boeuf bourguigon, beef stewed with red wine, mushrooms, carrots and onions.

manzo macinata: ground beef (mince)

manzo all'olio (di Rovato): a recipe going back to the 16th century: start with a rump of beef, cut slits and insert anchovies and garlic, roll it in flour and then fry it in hot olive oil to seal in the juices. Then fry carrots, celery and onions, then add white wine, and then fill the pot with water and simmer for two hours. Cut in slices, pass the cooking juices through a sieve, then add capers and parsley to make a sauce. Serve on a bed of polenta. From Rovato in Lombardy.

Meats & Poultry

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by John Mettraux