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Famous especially in Florence, where people queue up for steaming hot trippa alla fiorentina (the cow’s second or ‘honeycombed’ stomach, stewed in onions and tomatoes) in a bun. Or they may just order lampredotto. There is also a saucier version, with celery and peperonicini, served on plates.

trippette can mean the tripe of lamb or another small animal—or it can be fish guts, specifically the swim bladder of dried or salt cod, or other fish. Stewed with tomatoes, this was once a popular cucina povera dish in Liguria and the south.

trippa di Moncalieri (tripa 'd Moncalé): an insaccato made with tripe, similar to the French andouillette, made in in Moncalieri in Piedmont since the Middle Ages. PAT product.

trippa alla parmigiana: slow cooked tripe with vegetables, showered in Parmesan cheese

trippa alla pisana: veal tripe, stewed with onions, celery, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, white wine and pancetta.

trippa alla romana: tripe in tomato sauce, flavoured with mint and topped with pecorino cheese. Add some hot peppers, and you have what in the Abruzzo is called trippa alla paesana.

uovo in trippa: not eggs with tripe, but a frittata rossa, with tomatoes.

DOP (PDO) products and acronyms

Meats & Poultry



Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by Lucafellu