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Andouille de Guémené

Brittany’s smoked chitterling sausage

Französische Innereienwurst

Andouilles are smoked tripe based sausages made in several regions of France (Brittany, Cambrai, Revin etc). Like andouillette, they are an acquired taste, but slightly less in your face.

The most famous, Andouille de Guémené, is one of the few sausages with a father: it was invented in Guémené-sur-Scorff in 1931 by Joseph Quidu, whose descendants still produce it in the village using only local chaudens (chitterlings) and salt.

The intestine and stomach are prepared over various stages—first salting, then smoking over beech wood, drying for weeks, then cooking in a bouillon flavoured with hay.

Andouille is also slang for stupid but not in a really mean way.



Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Pwagenblast