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crémet d’Anjou

vanilla and cream dessert

crémet d’Anjou

Le crêmet angevin est un régal des dieux’ (a treat for the gods) wrote the great food writer Curnonsky in 1921.

Crémet d’Anjou is a light, foamy, fragrant, unctuous dessert from made with crème fraîche liquide entière, sugar, a vanilla pod, egg white and a pinch of salt. The mix is then spooned into a mould lined with a piece of gauze and chilled for three hours.

Ces moules dont faits à la main à la poterie "la Rose Bleue"® à Doué la Fontaine (49700). Ils servent à la confection de Crêmets d'Anjou.

They can come shaped as cylinders, but there are also special little heart-shaped moulds. To be served with raspberry or other red fruit coulis.


Pays de la Loire

Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Abirouge, Anjou tourisme