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jets de houblon

hops shoots

Salat mit Hopfenspargel

Also known as pousses de houblon or asperges de houblon, these are tender young hops shoots, a prized delicacy in the lands of beer, plucked from around the 20th of March up until the first few days of April. They are only edible when still white.

Much prized by gourmets (in Belgium they’re called the ‘truffles of the north’), jets de houblon cost from 80 to 150€ a kilo. They have to be used the day they are picked, washed and often blanched with a bit of vinegar or lemon to keep them from turning black. People often cook them with eggs or something delicate to bring out their special taste.

Grand Est


Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Tourismusverband im Landkreis Kelheim e.V.