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Curé Nantais

smoky, spicy cow’s milk cheese

Fromages portant le label Curé nantais

The cows grazing in the Loire-Atlantique around Nantes produce a fatty milk that traditionally went into butter until one day a priest wandering in the region, said to be hiding out during the French Revolution, met a farmer Pierre Hivert, and showed him how to make cheese; in honour of the priest, Hivert named it Curé Nantais.

The cheese (soft, washed-rind cheese with small holes) was made by the Hivert family for generations until 1987, when the recipe and rights went to a cheesemaker in Pornic. Since then its popularity has grown; today it’s made in a dairy. The cheese is washed in salt water and aged for four to eight weeks on planks of fir. Try it with the local Muscadet.

Cheese and dairy

Pays de la Loire

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Rehtse