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Kéros and Daskalió

Ancient treasure islands

Harp player, Cycladic civilization - Greece

Keros and its tiny sidekick Daskalio (80m away, and formerly a promontory of Keros) are among the Little Cyclades ‘Back Islands’ Naxos near Koufonísia and are now both off firmly limits to all but archaeologists.

Keros yielded one of the greatest hordes of Cycladic art from as far back as 2750 BC, illegally excavated before 1963, in what was apparently a large cemetery on the west coast of Keros; in sculpture was the much loved Harpist, how in the National Archaeology Museum in Athens.

In 2006-08, the Cambridge Keros Project, co-directed by Colin Renfrew with others from the Ephorate of Antiquities of Cyclades and the Cyprus Institute have uncovered thousands of marble Cycladic sculpturesand vases that apparently had been broken before being deposited on Keros.

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Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Robur.q, Zde