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Cuts of meat

any way you slice it

This is not exact. Far from it! As in other nations, there are plenty of different ways of hacking up a beast, and plenty of regional differences—not too long ago, every town in Italy still had its municipal slaughterhouse. And we suspect there are well over a thousand dialect words for different cuts. But here are some of those you'll hear most often

(For cooking/done-ness of meat, see cottura).

tagli bovinobeef and veal cuts

collo (neck): reale, tenerone, brutto e buono, punto di petto / neck, chuck

spalla (shoulder): muscolo, fermo di spalla, sottopaletta, rotondino di spalla, arrosto della vena / cuts from the foreleg and shoulder: UK thick rib, shin, US brisket, shank. Shoulder can also be called copertina and fesone di spalla. Lower leg can be called garretto.

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Meats & Poultry


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Images by ddram, hellawella, passione bistecca