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Sweet sour eggplant (aubergine) salad

A Sicilian classic, caponata is a sweet-sour salad that originally consisted (in its most aristocratic form) of fried diced aubergines, mixed with baby octopus, lobster, swordfish, smoked tunny fish roe, prawns, hard-boiled eggs, capers, onions, olives and celery, in a sweet-sour sauce of orange juice, olive oil, tomatoes, almonds, bread, anchovies, sugar, vinegar and chocolate.

These days a caponata with seafood is usually called caponata di pesce, while the vegetarian version (sometimes called caponatina) made with aubergine, capers, tomatoes, green olives, celery, onions, sugar, vinegar, olive oil and grated chocolate, is served either as an antipasto or side to a fish dish. But there are many recipes (one good one is here). The Neapolitan version is called cianfotta.

Caponata is extremely versatile: it tastes good warm or cold, and nearly always better after a day or two. It's also a good topping for bruschetta, with a bit of pecorino cheese.



Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by miss_yasmina