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Gâteau forêt noire

Confusingly in France, a cake is not a gâteau, but a gâteau is nearly always a cake. Some of the most popular ones include:


Forêt noire: (Black Forest, pictured above). The chocolate classic.

gâteau à étages: layer cake

gâteau au noix: walnut cake from southwest France

gâteau au yaourt: a fluffy yogurt cake, often made for an afternoon gouter.

gâteau Basque

gâteau creusois

gâteau Saint-Epvre

gâteau Nantais Made since the 17th century in Nantes and recently revived, this includes almonds, dark rum, vanilla and cinnamon, with a lime and light rum icing. Because of all the rum in it, the cake keeps for weeks, so like a gâteau Breton it was known as a gâteau de voyage.

gâteau de Saint-Genix

quatre quart


Text © Dana Facaros

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