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Rouergue’s saffron stew


Also spelled mourtaïrol, mourtayrol is the pot au feu of the Rouergue (more or less the modern Aveyron), a dish reserved for family gatherings and special occasions—especially with the current price of saffron—which used to be grown in the region.

Most recipes start with a soup chicken (poule) and add ham and beef, cabbage, carrots, leeks, turnips, bouquet garni, and cloves; others add Jerusalem artichokes, rutabagas, pumpkin etc.

First course is the broth, fragrant and golden yellow from a big dose of saffron, which is poured over slices of rye bread to make a mitonnée, which is baked in the oven for 20 minutes.

The meats and vegetables are served as a second course with mustard, pickles and mayonnaise.


Soups, stews and casseroles

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by produits de terroir