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head cheese, brawn

Usually seen as coppa di testa or testa in cassetta. Testina is meat from the head of a bovine or pig, often made into a terrine.

Boil a pig's head for four hours, scoop out all the edible bits, chop them fine and dump in a mold. The Italian version is a little less gelatinous and strange than you see elsewhere in Europe and America; other pork cuts may be added.

Tuscans, deviously, sometimes call their head cheese sopressata. In Sicily it's suzzu or suzu. The testa in cassetta di Gavi (Piedmont), is made from pig’s head (boiled and made into a paste) with finally minced tongue, lean meat and beef heart, mixed with chilli pepper, spices, pine nuts and rums and stuffed in a cow's intestine. In the Slow Food Presidium.

Cured Meats and Sausages



Slow Food


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by comfort food