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sweet or savoury pie or hay-covered cheese

Gâteau pithiviers fondant au SIA 2019.

Pithiviers is a round, enclosed puff pastry pie invented in the town of Pithiviers. The sweet kind filled with almond cream is sometimes a version of the galette des rois, decorated with a spiral design and served during the Christmas holidays with a fève hidden inside. Another kind of pithiviers is made with candied fruit and topped with white fondant icing.

Un Pithiviers de faisan, restaurant Le Bologne, Genève

But there are also savoury pithiviers filled with chicken livers, mushrooms, etc, which are often made as individual portions.

Pithiviers cheese

pithiviers au foin

Pithiviers au foin (also known as Bondaroy) is a pasteurized cow’s milk cheese, with a slightly chalky paste and high fat content, tasting of cream and hay, somewhat like Coulommiers.

It was formerly only made in the summer and preserved in hay until autumn; the best time to try it is from June to November. They also make a peppery version, Pithiviers au poivre.

Centre-Val de Loire

Cheese and dairy


Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Metro, Popo le Chien, Thomon