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Renaissance Art & Architecture

Botticelli's Primavera

Under the assaults of historians and critics over the last two centuries, the term ‘Renaissance’ has become a vague and controversial word. Nevertheless, however you choose to interpret this rebirth of the arts, and whatever dates you assign to it, Florence inescapably takes the credit for it.

This is no small claim. Combining art, science and humanist scholarship into a visual revolution that often seemed pure sorcery to their contemporaries, a handful of Florentine geniuses taught the Western eye a new way of seeing. Perspective seems a simple trick to us now, but its discovery determined everything that followed, not only in art, but in science and philosophy as well.

Leading what scholars used self-assuredly to call the ‘Early Renaissance’ is a triumvirate of three geniuses: Brunelleschi, Donatello and Masaccio. Brunelleschi, neglecting his considerable talents in sculpture for architecture and science, not only built the majestic dome of Florence cathedral, but threw the Pandora’s box of perspective wide open by mathematically codifying the principles of foreshortening.

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Agostino di Duccio

Sculptor of Exquisite Reliefs

Bartolomeo Ammannati

Protean Mannerist

Andrea del Castagno

The Early Renaissance Style Personified

Fra Angelico

The 'Angelic Friar'

Alesso Baldovinetti

Lost Quattrocento Master

Baccio Bandinelli

The Renaissance's Comic Relief

Fra Bartolommeo

Pious Virtuoso

Benedetto da Maiano

Naturalist Sculptor

Sandro Botticelli

The Soul of the Renaissance

Brunelleschi's Dome

Nothing is impossible

Filippo Brunelleschi

A Founder of the Renaissance

Cappella Brancacci (Santa Maria del Carmine)

Masaccio's Magic

Desiderio da Settignano

Master Portrait Sculptor

Domenico Veneziano

Quattrocento Mystery Man


First Among Sculptors

Lorenzo Ghiberti

Sculptor of the Doors of Paradise

Domenico Ghirlandaio

Quattrocento Fresco Master

Giovanni di ser Giovanni Guidi

'The Splinter'

Benozzo Gozzoli

Fairytale Painter

Francesco Granacci

Pupil of Ghirlandaio

Leonardo da Vinci

The 'Universal Genius'

Filippino Lippi

Renaissance Thoughtfulness

Fra Filippo Lippi

Painter of Exquisite Madonnas

Lorenzo di Credi

Student of Verrocchio


Early Renaissance Shabby Genius

Masolino da Panicale

Early Renaissance Master

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Il Divino


Cosimo il Vecchio's Favourite Architect

Mino da Fiesole

Early Sculptor of Portrait Busts

Nanni di Banco

Talented Contemporary of Donatello

Neri di Bicci

Prolific son of Bicci di Lorenzo


Renaissance Painter of Sweet Madonnas

Piero della Francesca

Quattrocento Magic Painter

Piero di Cosimo

Delightful Eccentric

Simone del Pollaiolo

Better Known as Cronaca

Piero Pollaiuolo

Brother of Antonio

Antonio Pollaiuolo

Master of a Fine Line

Raffaellino del Garbo

'The Graceful' Painter


Sweetheart of the High Renaissance

Andrea della Robbia

Nephew of Luca

Giovanni della Robbia

Ceramicist Grand nephew of Luca

Luca della Robbia

Chief of the Terracotta Clan

Cosimo Rosselli

Competent But Rarely Inspiring

Antonio Rossellino

Younger Brother of Bernardo

Bernardo Rossellino

Architect of Renaissance Popes

Benedetto da Rovezzano

The Sculptor who went to England

San Salvatore al Monte

Michelangelo's 'Little Country Lass'

Francesco da Sangallo

Son of Giuliano

Giuliano da Sangallo

Lorenzo's favourite architect

Andrea Sansovino

A Much Travelled Chiseller

Santa Maria Novella

Dominican House of Marvels

Andrea del Sarto

Browning's Faultless Painter

Luca Signorelli

Renaissance Master from Cortona

Paolo Uccello

Intoxicated by the Vanishing Point

Andrea del Verrocchio

Sculptor, Painter, Teacher, Alchemist

Simonetta Vespucci

Who's That Girl?

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by PD Art